Tuesday, May 17, 2016


 Last year I lived in the town of Kakamega Kenya for a little over 6 months. In April of 2016 I returned to visit some missionary friends I made while there the previous year. It was an incredible time, full to the brim of joy and fond memories. I didn't photograph the town much last year since I walked most places and my camera was heavy (and I didn't want to flash it around too much). So this year I was a little more intentional about capturing the streets that became so familiar to me.

 Lake Vitoria as seen from Kisumu

A special Thank-You to the dear people from England and the US who have become like family. They ensured my time in Kenya was extra special with a little birthday dinner on a rooftop restaurant overlooking Lake Victoria. They truly mean so much to me and I'm very thankful for their friendship.

Birds of Kenya

 I just returned from a brief visit to Kenya and Tanzania. I did some ministry there and got to enjoy the beauty of those foreign lands. Western Kenya is known for it's huge variety of unique birds. Here are a few I was able to capture with my camera.

 The Weaver at work

 Glossy Starling

King fisher